Category Archives: Poli-Econ

A Perspective on Universal Basic Income (UBI)

The concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI) has been around for decades. Recently, an article appeared (see link below) teasing the curiosity and interest of several folks who asked me to comment. The great, generally, challenge with the UBI concept is that it requires alignment in an either/or paradigm. Each with their own respective questions, do you maintain a structurally sound economic/banking policy, or do you embark on a complete departure course from them?

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Tax Reform Update – Will Obamacare Individual Mandate Save Tax Reform?

Thinking in metaphorical terms consider the following:

Acts of Desperation are quick to dissolve one’s focus on higher purpose.

Merging Healthcare Reform with Tax Reform is, without a doubt, an act of desperation and for two good reasons:

  1. If Congress is unwilling to completely abandon the concept of Government Funded Healthcare in its entirety, and do so by restoring a functional Market-based architecture, then how does one expect that by the simple act of removing the funding mechanism for a failed system, which still remains, somehow forces what they’ve already failed to or have been unwilling to do will suddenly occur?
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Trump/Ryan Tax Plan – Over Selling the Under Performing!

Although the tax reform agenda appears to be inching forward and will likely see various changes aimed at luring opposition into the fold, here’s a brief summary of what we do know:

If the chief goal is to restart the domestic economic engine, I’ve yet to find evidence of a single proposed component that will actually accomplish this goal. For example: How will an average proposed tax saving (per household) of $1,800 reverse the economic misfortunes of a family already living paycheck to paycheck? How does gifting tax-relief to Multi-National Corps, already only paying an average rate of 18.6 percent and already freed by Trade Policy to export wealth away from the domestic environs, going to obligate them to change their course away from the death spiral that is Globalism and return production and development back to the U.S.?

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Go Global; Save the Swamp!

Over the years the American Public has had only a few occasions to witness wholesale corruption at the federal level; the occasional Senator, Congressmen, Department Head, Military Personnel or even a President or two.

To some degree, in the age of mass 24/7 media, on one end the Press has made it more difficult to conceal criminal activity however, given the consolidation of this medium’s ownership, fact-finding and truth-telling journalism has given way to the power of sensationalism. Depending on what side of the political fortress you stand, the end of your promising future (and the truth), or escaping a jail cell may only be a matter of a 15 second sound-bite or 140 characters away.

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