A Russian Provocation or Planned Conflict?

What, exactly, is the Russian threat? At what point does a nation’s desire for autonomous sovereignty become a justification for armed intervention? Relevant questions deserving a direct answer. Try this on for size: whatever and whenever an aggressor-force says!

For several months we’ve been following Senate Bill 2277 (Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014) work its way thru committee(s). Only in a country run by lunatics can a pre-meditated act of aggression be crafted into a legislative one so that an otherwise illegal act can be deemed justifiable or as a mere extension of what is now a “matter of law!”

A Nation that will not only NOT abide by its own constitutional mandates, will NOT address its own internal problems. They will continue to disembowel the most basic and fundamental tenets necessary for social and economic stability. Again self-asserting an illusory right to impose itself upon yet another sovereign nation.

If the issue is of concern then I suggest reading the summary of this “Bill” all the while understanding that it was developed long before the downing of Flight MH17, before the Israel/Gaza affair and before the U.S. 4 Month extension and $2.8 Billion giveaway to Iran.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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