“Franklin slips the tattered piece of twine around each end of the bedroll his few possessions concealed within its folds, the balance packed neatly in the rucksack whose straps round-over his shoulders. He pulls the twine over his head positioning it across his chest as the bedroll settles to a point just above his right hip resting snuggly upon the well-worn letterman’s jacket he’s tied firmly about his waist.
Cover, for now, is a 4-pole hay barn he shares with eighty or so others one of seven positioned about this 500 acre parcel that not so long ago had been an operational dairy farm; in October of 2015 the property was one of forty-five confiscated under a Presidential Order and now used by the HSA as a Public Services Dispensary for the Temporarily Displaced. Drawn and weary from the five continuous years of personal loss; first his eldest son lost to an IED in Afghanistan, his two daughters processed through and now Mock Counselors at the U.N. Counsel of Integration: Region 210A in Denver, Colorado. His wife passed two years earlier after contracting tuberculosis while undergoing treatment for a previously undetermined strain of hepatitis.
Franklin walks toward a large cinder-block building that once held nearly one hundred milking-stalls; at one time a state-of-the-art operation. From the look of it 10:30 Am must be approaching; surveying the fields to his left and right he can see the swarm of itinerants moving toward the same destination; a thirty-minute orientation in exchange for a day’s rations.
The voice of Mr. Fitz, the Area Director, fills the air encouraging the itinerants to ‘move quickly, if you can, and don’t hesitate to call on one of your comrades to assist’ his voice sounding digitally sampled complete with the accomplished undertow of a British accent. ‘Shared sacrifice is a lovely human accomplishment the great reward of our enlightened Leadership’s Fair-Share Mandate. We’ve successfully eliminated want by making productivity unachievable!’ so says Mr. Fitz.
Franklin endured the thirty-minute orientation video and now straddles a wood-plank positioned opposite a familiar face; for twenty-one years Cliff lived on this ranch his cottage located on the bluff at the northeast tract. Like his Father before him Cliff held the position of Stock-Manger working for the family whose patriarch staked the original homestead back in the late 1800’s. Like many memories the name fades in decaying script on the sun-bleached walls of this very building; Briarwood Farms. Edward F. Briar was the archetypical immigrant looking to plant a new seed and harvest the success an inspired dream imagines; his middle name was Franklin and now his Great-grandson sits on a wood blank in a building that was the hub of an operation producing the entire dairy requirements for a national chain of restaurants; soon a bell will sound and he’ll wait in-line for a glass of water drawn from a well his family once owned.” – Excerpt from: The Itinerant Hope, by C. Greco
Most failures are built upon a false premise or a false hope; the former is avoidable, the latter being one that is a function of ignorance however each plays out its own uniquely defiant simulation both preying to avoid the outcome their ideological routines claim will never occur; The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a confederation of both routines, false premise and false hope, in action.
The IMF, like The World Bank and the Bank of International Settlements(BIS), find its origins in the closing years of World War II. Europe and Asia were trapped in economic disarray while the U.S. political and economic influence blossomed in the post-war era and though initially focused on returning to pre-war civility the Country’s new-found influence soon provoked opportunities of global significance and proportions. Principally, the motives were seen as egalitarian and as a functional solution to recapitalizing the war-torn regions into economic recovery. Integral to the structure and its functional reliance was the construct of strict and sustainable monetary policy however this standard would ultimately yield to expansive monetary practices driven by two ideologies attempting to fulfill the others premise; Keynesian Economic/Monetary Theory and Global Monetary Policy each a convenient extension of the other.
With consideration to time and space I will have to leap past pertinent and relevant facts, issues and events and move quickly to an accelerated summation and I ask for your accommodation and so with your indulgence in mind I will continue.
Triggered, in part, by the growth of the domestic economy the growth of the domestic economy external policy groups quickly reoriented the national government agenda toward rebuilding post-war economic infrastructures around the globe; Corporate America was easily enlisted to expand and transplant its business models to Europe, Russia and Asia. Capital requirements were made available through domestic Banking sources flush with reserves harvested from war-time procurement and near-term domestic growth. Fast forward to various domestic policy agendas such as the Korean Conflict, Vietnam, the Johnson-era Great Society Agenda, which many analysts view as LBJ’s attempt at deflecting and detoxifying the public’s growing opposition to the Vietnam Conflict, and the explosion in entitlement programs and we see the systemic emergence of extreme monetary policy which institutionalized the use of debt-issuance as a funding mechanism for massive Federal spending routines and these live on to this very day. Congress has, in effect, legislated debt-accumulation as a substitute for substantive economic policy.
The notion of Globalism, as it presently exists, is an extension of both Foreign and Monetary Policy each working in concert with the other. Foreign Policy looks to extend domestic policy interests and Monetary Policy affects this through controlling Global Banking and vice-versa; all institutionalized by integrating once Sovereign Nations into a comprehensive global-bureaucracy in an attempt to perpetuate the false premise of global monetary management and to say that it is out of control is an understatement. The evidence of these global organization and their influence can be witnessed first-hand in the ascendant role of the United Nations, NATO, World Trading Organization (WTO) and the role of Central Banking by way of the ever-expanding role of the IMF, The World Bank and the BIS. Each of these organizations built their strength and influence by and through the subordination of each participating Nation’s once sovereign status to the control of these very same institutions.
A few facts that accompany the structure of globalism:
- The formation of multi-national business alliances, a.k.a., Multi-National Corporations.
- Reduction in domestic productive employment and technical advantage as economic infrastructure moves off-shore in response to global-routines.
- Increases in Debt-Funded Spending (Private and Government) supplementing/replacing revenues lost from domestic/economic capacity.
- Increase in Public Assistance Programs/Entitlements and Spending occurring from loss of private and individual capacity.
- Exponential growth in Trade Imbalances directly attributable to currency value loss, inflation, absent exportable goods and self-destructive domestic policy.
- Globalism produces Economic Isolationism by compartmentalizing, on a global scale, consumption, productive output and resources.
What few seem to understand is that one of the primary reasons Congress is not capable of addressing domestic economic policy and entitlement spending problems is that this specific branch of government no longer has the power to affect reliable strategies without running into direct conflict with prohibitions enforced by these various Global Institutions whose authority exists from various Treaties and Agreements the Congress ratified! With little influence on areas once the specific function of Congress they’ve little else to do but imbed themselves in reckless politically-induced agendas.
The truth of the matter is that the Global Banking Regime is in serious trouble; it has run well past the extreme limits of monetary policy (false premise) however it will never willingly surrender and presently relies on a belief-system (false hope) articulated by individuals whose mentors are themselves attached to the very same system perpetually occurring. To believe that these individuals actually know what they are doing is itself both a false premise and a false hope. The truth of the matter is they are not able to see past the current flaw of a regiment of thought that has no deference to your freedom and your economic future both of which lay in the outcome of an unbalanced equation.
This past week the IMF Members met to discuss the European Debt Crisis and the ascending economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS). The following comments are quotes sourced from the event and you should find them quite interesting:
- “I think that it is time to let the market, more or less, decide the rate,” says The People’s Bank of China Vice Governor Yi Gang.
- “Advanced economies need credible strategies to bring down record-high debt levels over the medium term, but they shouldn’t rush to slash debt all at the same time. Everybody wants to have a bigger share of the same pie so there will have to be gives and takes.” says IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde.
- “Monetary policy will need to remain accommodative as long as inflation prospects remain anchored and weak growth persists,” the IMF said in its steering-committee communique.
- “I did not hear any clear announcement from the U.S. that they will be able to deliver before the annual meetings [October 2012],” says German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble.
Inspiring! What may not be clear from these statements is that there is the distinct cross-purpose message that each represent particularly if you’re an American. One in particular, the last, is most interesting particularly if one keys into “…from the U.S.”; this specific comment relates to a key IMF provision now before the Congress which would increase the voting rights of the BRICS consortium, namely China. The question you should be asking is: Who is pressing Congress to pass this Bill and why? I will tell you that it’s none other than Treasury Secretary Geithner who’s doing the bidding for Mr. Bernanke, Chairman of The Federal Reserve Bank. Why? Very simple: To continue the march toward sustaining the false premise of Global Banking the System must take control of the Central Bank of China by entrapping submission into the IMF routine; the last remaining field o’plunder.
Regardless of the IMF’s plan and the directives of the Global Regimes there is one significant problem that is unavoidable: The domestic deprivation occurring in each of the so-called Advanced Economies is accelerating at a rate which dwarfs the stated and projected growth rates of the Emerging Economies and in total, their true exportable GDP Output is less than 5% of the Advanced Economies Annual Funding Demands; the simple truth is that there is nowhere near enough Global Economic Output to cover current and/or projected Global Debt; both are unsustainable in the current environment.
For the U.S., the choices narrow:
- The U.S. subordination of its sovereignty to global institutions makes decisive action impossible within the current construct.
- While the American Public is drawn into election season dialogue on issues of mindless import, the greater economic issues are concealed and the trajectory toward monetary crisis continues toward dramatic uncertainty.
- Without a dramatic shift toward economic independence, requiring a complete domestic policy and legislative overhaul, the political apparatus will most certainly not challenge the global regiment and further surrender American Sovereignty. The character and intellectual capacity if Congress is non-existent.
- There is only one available remedy for addressing the Global Debt Load; a hemispherical write-down. Make no mistake; this is the direction the Global Banking Regime is headed however exactly how the process will occur is yet to be determined. Will it occur by way of a global currency adoption or will it occur through an IMF “collateral” agreement? Whatever it is, absent exchangeable commodity, the effect to the U.S. Economy and the American People will be devastating particularly for those relying on paper assets.
Whatever the outcome rest assured that the tenants of cause and effect will apply and the routines of political avarice will be on display. Will the pursuit of a cause worth perfecting resume or will it suspend for another term? Will the American People awaken or will their appetite for austerity expand? The answers to these questions remain to be determined; what is certain is this:
Your Freedom & Future’s in the Balance.
Curtis C. Greco, Founder