Mitt Romney: What’s Wrong with the GOP!

Desperation is a funny thing. It makes smart people humble and the predator appears virtuous.

Romney remains the consummate chameleon. Raised in the shadow of his father’s, George Romney, political and business glamour, Michigan prep-school, college at Stanford, 15 year or so tenure at Bain Capital where he laced his pockets while perfecting the art of Corporate Strip-Mining (Leveraged Buyouts) to a record $1.5 Billion in aid he siphoned out of the U.S. treasury as head of the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake where the so-called fiscal conservative spent a 5000+ percent increase, per athlete, over what was spent at the 1984 Los Angeles Games.

Then, in 2002, he moved on to the Governorship of Massachusetts where his greatest achievement is measured in the expanding fiscal hole affectionately known as Romney-Care. Yes, a true government-dependent elitist who, were it not for various tax loopholes that license the LBO scheme, he’d still be in France attempting to talk the French out of drinking wine.

This is the essence of Mainstream Elite. The bastion of entitled duality where every road is paved at someone else’s expense, the narrative is pre-scripted, nothing is earned, nothing created and not a one dare challenge its order. You’re a fool if you think it’s any different where the DNC is concerned; two private entities with absolutely no stated or demonstrated allegiance to the U.S. Constitution or the “will of the consenting governed!”

How dare this prickly holier-than-thou locust assume a dictatorial role and upon what foundation of mockery has he based his authority to confiscate the public’s ambition? It’s sufficiently clear that elections, in this idiotic two-party system, are horrifically biased given that the voter is merely choosing from the choices made available however, this presidential election cycle is a perfect opportunity for the American voter to completely overturn the failed totalitarian rule that is driving the Nation into the ground.

If you turn out to a primary and to a November polling station your vote is your vote and regardless of the party-hack elected, your will must (still) be represented by a system whose only bias should be (ONLY) to those principles strictly and specifically enumerated in the Constitution and not orchestrated by the bias of an ideology that is defiantly opposed to those very Ideals; there are no losers in the U.S. Constitution only those whose bias runs in opposition to it.

Romney’s expected, on March 3rd, to make a “major announcement” concerning the 2016 Presidential Race and I trust that the most prominent response is both the public’s robust repudiation of his lyrics and how quickly he retreats back to one of his enclaves. Mitt Romney is the very caricature of the entitled-elite and precisely represents what most voters find wrong with the two dominant parties.

The following are a select group of responses to questions/comments received after the original article was published. We believe you will find them of interest.

#1: No, if you are wondering, this is not directed in defense of any candidate, but directly at the idea that your vote should be the result of a conscious decision based on a scrupulous understanding of boundaries of the Constitution and the candidate best suited to assert the authority you grant them.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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