Obama to Wage War!

The signs are unmistakable.  The Country has gone poli-rogue and Obama regiments are collapsing!  Once again the political machinery has failed to interpret the American Electorate and the price will be chaos at a time when this Country can least afford political plunder. 

It is of course inevitable.  The face of consequence is worn as a vizard by Alan Specter, Blanche Lincoln,  Richard Blumenthal, Mark Souder and there will be more.

As I’ve said before,  “I believe that our greatest challenge will be overcoming the risk of defining the discussion as being a choice over competing Political Ideologies when the issue at hand is far greater. This Nation find itself at a defining moment along the path toward an uncertain future; the course we select will be seen by future generations as being either inspired or tragically predictable. As then General George Washington said in 1783, ‘Had this day been wanting, the world had never seen the last stage of perfection to which human nature is capable of attaining.’”


Obama, always accustomed to the convenience of circumstance, will have only one choice to continue his march to forever change the landscape of America:  Wage Political War – Quick and Dirty!  As Sean Connery said in the Untouchables, “…That’s the Chicago Way !” 


Obama is not politically savvy in the way Bill Clinton was: Obama is a brooding child accustomed to having his way at any price, at any cost particularly because he’s never had to pay for it!

Oh this isn’t just the beginning, this is not even a revolution!  This is dire consequence presenting its bill; the price of neglect!

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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