Political Weaponry

Tolerance is merely a tool spoken in favorable terms when those who seek to advantage themselves do so by placing a boot first on your freedoms and then on your conscience. Only those who fear the loss of privilege will admonish those who believe no such entitlement should exists and never at the expense of another.

The nature of this perpetual distortion requires a certain fight, a fight against an oppressor who will, as their first defense, deny you your own liberties as a tool for asserting their own.

The current claim that a civil discourse must prevail in the affirmation and securing of One’s sovereign rights ignores one fundamental fact: If one’s sovereign rights are at risk then clearly your opponent has no reverence for them which is all the substantive proof you will ever need to identify that these rights are no longer presumed to be guaranteed or are they thought of as sovereign; be clear, you are living in a time when these uncertainties, these ambiguities are absolute.

Be very clear: The mere fact that One must constantly affirm these sacred rights is also proof that they are in a constant state of threat. Think of it in terms of a full-term child soon to be pureed from its Mother’s womb with absolutely no way to defend itself from a certain outcome, with no way of knowing it all to be inevitable, completely unaware their fate is being imposed upon by a force it cannot see, will not know or will ever be given the chance to face or repel. You and your potential are all there is to preserve and protect the undefended and the defenseless.

In such a circumstance as this, in the face of such a threat how would one ever expect to mount a defense that’s civil? How could One, in possession of a conviction, of a passion the type that would stir the spirit to act could ever be throttled to idle and still express the required force to sustain their cause. How would One every expect to secure an affirming outcome with the force of a whimper?

The moment an Oppressor places restrictions on an Opponent is the very moment they concede the moral high-ground and confess an overwhelming fear of your resolve.

No reward worth expressing every comes without ending the durability and privileges’ of ones oppressor. Life begins with a fight that must be fought and accompanied by a certainty that assures One that the reward is very much worth achieving.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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