In an attempt to belie internal political struggles Putin continues to manage Russia’s resurgent geo-political footprint. For the American public, this should serve as a reminder of how volatile and how quickly the world stage can fracture when U.S. Foreign Policy is micro-managed by political apparatchiks with servile intent.
It is true that the U.S. has, by favoring global hegemony, given-up on developing and refining its internal strengths giving way in one form or another to military confrontation which of course is clearly not in the best interests of the American people. The fact remains that Obama’s policy of Negotiated-Disengagement is creating an exponential threat; by ignoring the effect of the vacuum he’s creating he’s equally ignorant of the invitation he’s extending.
While the U.S., under the guise of NATO, places weaponry in the Baltic States (Russia’s front door), while tendering a gift to the Iranian Theocracy in a Deal that amounts to a Thermo-Nuclear endorsement, his game plan is now a Russian tit-for-tat entrée on a seemingly ever-expanding menu of opportunity. The best battle plan is one that relieves you of the need to fight; where strength is the best deterrent.C
Curtis C. Greco, Founder