Tag Archives: technological advances

China: The Auction of Self-Preservation!

Not much tea-leave reading required to predict where this is headed. The long-standing lure of hegemony has always proven to be a fast-track tool for conflict; profits are always enticing as is the ease with which self-preservation is auctioned-off in the process.

The West financed the Bolsheviks which gave us Stalin, their “play” over Germany gave us Hitler, Khmer Rouge, a post-Pahlavi Radical Theocracy in Iran along with an entire region in various states of chaos. China is not, on its own, an economic or military powerhouse as some might think however, it has proven itself to be a quick-study pirating technology, from its western accomplices. That has allowed it to apply technological advances with relative ease and without the time and costs of development. You have several Presidents and Senators to thank for projecting this predictable and meddlesome form of failure.

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