Strip away the glitter and colored lights, silence the guns that rhetoric ignites. The Christmas message is pure and sweet; love is a candle and you are its light!
Mankind is in a desperate struggle; the enemy is neither a devil nor is it a nation-state; the fight occurs between the image we indulge and the reality that is. One is simple, fashionable and transient while the other is what is absolute and seems so unachievable.
Love is neither fashionable nor transient, either simple or unachievable. It must only and ever be absolute and for this reason it must matter for if it is to be meaningful it must mean everything!
Oh how worthy you are of meaning everything; this is the message of Christmas! You mean everything; for what reason would there be for you if there was nothing inherently and absolutely meaningful about anything? Christmas; a day for every day.
Curtis C. Greco, Founder