Brussels Terror; the Tactical Error

The threat of Terror is a constant, the reality of a breach in human interaction manifested thru acts of desperation typically, more often than we would care to admit, teased by a politicized agenda; human history is littered with them.

Aided by the tendency of people to compartmentalize the risk and the Governments approach to PC-Messaging, we soft-sell ourselves into a form of disassociation to the truth and to disfigured facts which only serves to delay appropriate action, surrender vigilance and continue the false premise that if we are willing to release our grip on personal liberty we’ll be rewarded with total security. Reality however, is something quite different.

No amount of electronic surveillance will overcome a threat one is unwilling to confront and no Threat, in the presence of opportunity, will suspend its ambitions. The great tragedy of Terror-Events – no different in many respects to the events in Brussels – is the manner in which government vocalizes its response to them. Far too frequently the explanation is calibrated to acknowledge that the event could have been avoided if only “we had more resources at our disposal” and if only the public would release their grip on Individual Liberties rather than simply confessing its “failure to act.” Much as in the case with the U.S. the European Public is complicit in the failure willingly falling victim to government pc-messaging, that somehow they’re in control of the situation and that civic vigilance is politically and personally un-survivable. 

Do you not find it both hypocritical and ironic that we will suspend any risk to avoid offending someone (profiling) and yet no amount of hypocritical-offense will do anything to bring back to life the victim(s) of the non-profiled assassin(s)? Stuff that one into the heartless and empty-head Brown-Shirted Thug!

We have accepted a marginalized approach to describing and addressing a threat and so it is that we have marginalized what should otherwise be a virulent and decisive intolerance for it. Barry Goldwater was absolutely spot-on: “…extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!” How do we look at the families of the dead and honestly say that we did all we should? Truly, there are so few lessons yet to be learned from experiences that haven’t already occurred.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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