Censorship by Any other Name is still…!

Well, FB denied, again, “Boosting” of Foundation articles!

“…them that claim to be the protectorate of your freedoms are the first to use them against you. Controlling the narrative is the artifice of tyranny.”

Bothersome of course because the content is the very “boost” the Public needs in order to break thru the conscription of controlled messaging and restrictive covenants of thought control. Fortunately, not all my media outlets aren’t confined to Facebook so the microscopic thinking of their Controllers really affects FB far more than TIMF.

The Foundation has endured this form of selective bias for nearly a decade and now, ten years later, we can see the thickened scars on our culture (Nation), the unavoidable consequence of intellectual inbreeding; sad thing of course is that they’ll never get out of their own way long enough to see beyond their own myopia.

FB will, of course, inevitably fail and not simply because I assert it however more so merely because it (FB) patterns its actions after every other like-kind defect now at rest on the ash heap of history. Yes, this truth is of no consolation when measured against the tragedy of waste and yet no less painful when one considers that we are witnessing unlimited potential succumb to the inertial forces of fascist lethargy, otherwise known as the self-inflicted wound.

All of this is, of course, as it should be; FB’s right to control, manipulate and constrict the messaging-portal thru which their version, warped however as it may be, of free speech appears in the same way consequence owns the same right to assign itself to the action of cause.

So much good to be done and yet far too many preventing it from occurring.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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