Rules Are the Rules

By Midnight of April 25th Cruz will not only be mathematically eliminated from obtaining enough delegates to win the election outright he will, as well, have fallen to third place in popularity too.

The following are a select group of response to questions/comments received after the original article as published. We believe you will find them of interest.  

#1: “Rules are the Rules” has become a common response to the Trump Messaging that suggest a “corrupt” system and that he is, for political gain, over-playing the issue to his advantage and yet it is far too convenient to dismiss the issue so blithely. To rule simply on the grounds that one unilaterally claims to have the authority to rule and then busily sets off a series of rules to affirm a preferred outcome may be, for some, an acceptable process. However, it is my take that “the rules” themselves aren’t the issue. The “order” of a non-democratic process that for the first time in most Folks lives – given that many of these later States which rarely are pressed to express their influence are now in-play – are observing the depth of the dysfunction and they simply don’t like what they see.

Trump may very well be taking advantage of this, but that too is part of the dysfunction on display. First part of solving a problem is actually acknowledging that there is one and being willing to engage in that process, in my mind, is a supreme and critical component of a truly democratic process. The existing system has evolved to suit a political favor which is separate and apart from what was intended, having inserted a “party” system apparatus that acts in its own self-interest placing itself between the intended “represented” (the consenting governed) and the processes of government whose sole duty is to affect the interest of the same. This same “party” system has not only adversely affected the primary process it has had a similar affect on the “electoral college” process as well mirroring, in most states (and the number is growing), the very same malignancy.

Yes, I confess this comment is riddled with several broad generalities however, given the medium I see this as a necessity. Either way one has to make a distinction of clarity; one either must pursue the perfecting of the representative process or accept its susceptibility to manipulation and simply endure it. More and more I’ve come to understand that there are no gray areas; there is only the illusion the option intimates.

To address the System as it presently is, I believe the first step toward reconciliation will require blocking the Authority of the 2 Party System’s control of Election and Legislative Process. For the life of me I find it incomprehensible that the RNC/DNC, both entities with no sworn allegiance to the Constitution, have been allowed this level of control & influence. Well, as a matter of fact, I do. Thank you for the opportunity to respond.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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