Tag Archives: Putin

A View From Outside the Bubble

With the pretext being something on the order of, “Tell them what to think so they will busy themselves away from what they ought to know” comes an acutely relevant observation from one Vladimir Putin:

“I sometimes get the feeling that somewhere across that huge puddle, in America, people sit in a lab and conduct experiments, as if with rats, without actually understanding the consequences of what they are doing.”

Oh Mr. Putin, they know exactly what they are doing; the problem is they don’t care and even more tragic is that the technicians are certain the consequences will insure their safety!

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How a Missing Airliner & Putin’s Miscalculations May Prove Devastating

Finally word is seeping out from both Boeing & Rolls Royce that engine telemetry continued transmitting perhaps for as much as 4 hours past point of last contact; this translates into an additional 2200 miles and in easy range of out of sight hangars located throughout the pacific rim as well as the south eastern deserts of Iran. Recalling the Iranian Regimes immediate and preemptive comments that the U.S. had “hijacked” the aircraft I found it sufficient cause, early on, for me to question the “catastrophic cause” explanation and consider the event as a “taking” of an aircraft; though initially dismissed the thought is proving more and more to be quite reliable.

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Ukraine: Angle of Attack

Western influences are driving the media-push to frame Putin as the aggressor; fact is that Putin, despite the virile opposition’s distortions of history and fact, is maneuvering with great restraint and well within Russia’s established agreements/treaties with Ukraine.

Where is this headed? Simple: E.U. deeply resents Russia’s control of their energy supplies while Western banking & financial interests want control of Russian resources and Putin is clearly aware of this.

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The Wrong Side of History

Of the Presidents most iconic and overused statement none hold a senior status to that of his “wrong side of history” comment. Anyone who knows and understands philosophic Russia and its history knows that Putin’s actions are, in fact, right in line with history. The neo-progressive revisionists here in the U.S. may very well successfully persuade Americans to buy it, the European theater will not.

Economic sanctions, really? Russia has no worry over a declining Ruble and for one very good reason: Putin’s Russia doesn’t accept payment for energy supplies, to the E.U. or from China, in Rubles. The whorish actions of Western Managed Commodities Markets are preying on crude and this is driving up the price per barrel which is to Russia’s advantage. Sanctions indeed! Weakness is not a position of strength.

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Ukraine, Crimea, Russia & the Inept

The USSR and Czarist Russia may be history but their legacy lives. Although the strong-arm of the Soviets gave the appearance of a unified front the fact remains that Mother-Russia has always been an amalgamation of autonomous and semi-autonomous regions loosely bound by inference, population infusion and extraction, treaty or threat.

Presently on one side you have Putin, determined to preserve the continental Russian Federation (including the western boundary States of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) which, on all fronts, is at risk for fracturing and on the other side is the West (lead primarily by the U.S. & U.K.) who would love nothing more than to see Putin’s Russia fall victim to separatist fragmentation.

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