Will the RNC Hand Hillary the Oval Office? They Just Might!

The GOP/RNC Elite are feverously working their own rule-book for a way to bury Trump and, quite possibly Cruz as well, with the public, unknowingly, playing right into their game-plan. “The media has created the perception that the voters choose the nomination. That’s the conflict here,” so says Curly Haugland, RNC Rules Committee Chairman. He went on to say, “Political parties choose their nominee and not the general public.” When asked, “Then why bother holding the primaries?” He replied, “That’s a very good question.”

The public has been schooled to believe that their state primary votes and the delegates assigned as a result of their individual state primary process, are automatically attached to the nominee in whatever proportion is determined by the outcome of that states vote which, as you should know, is not entirely the case and here’s why:

(a) Delegates only place their votes once formally “seated” at the convention.

(b) Unbound delegates, and there are 112 of them, can vote for whomever they choose in any voting round at the convention.

(c) If no Candidate wins, in the first round of voting, a 50 plus 1 percent majority then, by RNC Rules, those once Bound Delegates are now free to vote as they choose.

(d) It is at this point, at/in the second round of voting (and understanding that at this point all delegates are now “unbound”), that ANY person can be inserted into the nominee-basket even if they’ve never won a primary so long as the newly-designated nominee proves they have a majority of delegates, in eight states (dully “seated” at the convention), willing to back them to a “floor” vote.

(e) Now, with all this in mind, be aware that at any time, literally, at any time the RNC Rules Committee can change the rules.

From this, it is entirely the case that you could witness the emergence of a sloth-like character such as Mitt Romney despite the fact the public turned against him en masse last year when he was “exploring” a possible run for the Presidency. Gary Emineth (R), unbound delegate from N. Dakota stated, “…unbound delegates have the ability to vote for whatever candidate they want on the first ballot…if no one wins with a 50 percent plus 1 majority…then it’s all bets off. If Republicans go in and pull some shenanigans until you have groups of people who are going to try and take over the rules committee that could change everything and mess things up with the delegates and frustrate the voters…(this) will hand the election to the Democrats.” 

The end result of this is that the RNC (and the DNC is no different) actually they have it structured so that the American public is actually placed in a situation where they end up voting against their own best interests.  It’s no secret that I’ve been a Ted Cruz fan; yes I have a few issues with him but on Constitutional-acuity grounds – which is where it counts -there are none better, unfortunately my opinion of him changed once I confirmed he’d joined forces with the Bush-Clan.

Now, if only to keep the “Clan” from inserting Mitt Romney or John Kasich into the mix, I may have to turn and place my vote with Trump. Having studied the state-by-state numbers it’s becoming abundantly clear (as it presently stands) that Trump is the only one that can beat Hillary and the only thing worse (for this country) than a Hillary win would be a Mitt Romney in the Oval Office. Think on it and react as your good judgment prescribes.

Curtis C. Greco, Founder

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