Vesting in Disorder

One of the most remarkable aspects of Mankind is that while he may appear and at time can be quite cunning, in truth, he’s actually quite predictable. Yes, the tranquilizer of deception is quite diverse and while we often mask our intentions with multiple forms of deception however with a measured dose of willingness these attempts can be overcome, the veil can be pierced.

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Chaos Induced Ignorance

Whether it’s the sign of the times or simply the convergence of disparate interests one thing is for certain: I’m being reminded of the importance of remaining true to the better part(s) of our nature for this reason I make a point of reciting the following verse no less than twice per day:

“Challenge, heartily, the chaos induced by ignorance. Oppose with all means available any order that insists on maintaining or establishing a (new) status quo. Yours is not the destiny held in bondage but the perpetual discovery of unlimited capacity; this will not happen for any One confined to or bound by the disparate pitch of darkness. I refuse to participate in any practice that fails to feed me forward.”

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The Defrocking of Liz Cheney

From now and at least until November of 2024 the outlook over former President Trumps political horizons will be every bit a minefield. Trump upset the political ganglia of the Blue-Blood Elite’s sacred priory and they’ve only just begun to foul the disorder further by continuing a relentless salvo of fodder. The aim? Simple: To bury him by way of shameless humiliations, financial bloodletting, alienation and ultimately silencing him and they’ll use the seductive lyric of the Fascist-Progressive serenade to intoxicate the public into willing submission. Why, when on record alone he has a scant few who better his record of success particularly if your favored measure is one based upon, fundamentally, a direct focus on turning the tide toward a better America, for all Americans. Strange and yet not so surprising that while his Administration was dedicated to an American success story it is the Political Elite who oppose him as have, unwittingly, most Americans. Enter, Elizabeth Lynne Cheney.

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The Death of a Narrative – The World Dismisses Biden-Fauci

Under the alternate heading of “Not Everyone Believe a Lie” is a reality that always was but has been smothered, painfully, in an attempt to seduce the masses long enough that they’ll be either unwilling or unable to acknowledge the truth or, far worse, reverse a lie relentlessly told and the extent of the damage it has done.

  • Why, for the first time, was the group-think message of “PPE” driving the messaging and not development of treatment which has long been the accepted medical practice.
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Colonial Pipeline – Not Just A Ransom Hack

The disruption of fuel supplies (east coast of the U.S.), although not fatal, is nonetheless a wound and one with a distinctive pathology. No incoming squadron of dive-bombers, cruise or hypersonic missiles, armed flotilla or laser beams fired from a space-based system but a nondescript, barely identifiable and devoutly parasitic force bent on disruption. A not so thinly veiled form of asymmetrical warfare with the added flair of ransomware, the neo-geek-tech rendition of the crazed loan gunmen; the perfect expletive for providing cover for a cause preferring to hide in plain sight.

“our goal is to make money and not creating problems for society.”

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