Tag Archives: healthcare system

Ryan Failure Saves Trump!

Having written and contributed extensively to the Repeal & Replace efforts I confess I am pleased that the Effort has been suspended; proof of the extensive damage (to the Healthcare System) completed by Dems and their fantasy-Bill, ACA, and the incredible deference awarded to the Insurance Industry, Big Pharma, the Legal Profession and the for-profit Healthcare Providers.

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Healthcare: The Undeliverable Promise Now Owned by Trump/GOP!

Under the sub-title of “What the Public expects from a lie too often spoken” are the facts no politician dare confess: Politicians make promises with no consideration for the consequential effect of unrealistic claims knowing full well that a Public relieved of its personal responsibility is a Constituent for Life.

Take, for instance, Obamacare, a program designed to be both invasive and a failure. I understand this may seem quite peculiar however, if you consider that the ulterior motive – which would otherwise be politically unsurvivable for President Obama and several key Democrats if attempted in one comprehensive move – was to end up with a national single-payer system (Medicare) then the need for an intermediate step makes sense.

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Repeal & Replace Not So Ez!

While Obamacare is significant in terms of being emblematic of a failed two-term presidency, in practical terms it is best understood when one considers it (ACA) to be the final nail in the construction of a coffin that began decades earlier. From Roosevelt who wanted a national healthcare system as part of his Social Security plan thru each attempt, by successor administrations, all the way to LBJ’s Administration that, in July of 1965, finally signed Medicare into law including each modification/expansion that occurred thereafter.

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