Monthly Archives: April 2014

Back-Fill & Flooding – The Syrian Effect

Sanctions are nothing more than a teaser; buying time while other opportunities develop. The E.U. is economically unstable; the only basket of capacity being Germany, it too has energy concerns and a public that is strongly pitched against tangling with Russia.

Solution for the Western Financiers? Simple; find a cheap and readily available energy source to replace Russian LNG & Crude. Where? Even easier! Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are flush with it and the pipeline from the E.U. lies in wait (in Turkey).  Who/what stands in the way? Syria; allied with Russia.

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Is Currency Driving Russian Conflict

Corporatizing the globe; a new phenomenon? Clearly not, but in an era of the key-stroke push-of-the-button phalanx, much happens far more quickly than ever before; including mistakes with incalculable consequences.

The U.S. Economy, what there is of it, survives solely on its ability to maintain the dollar’s reserve currency status; well known is the FEDs practice of selling-off gold-positions in an effort to support the dollar. The problem is the U.S. is running out of (if not already) gold.

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The Scourge of Authoritarianism

When Fed/State Legislatures pass a Bill/Act into law, the action is largely conceptual in nature. The operational details are suspended into the realm of TBD by way of enabling legislation provisions. The features contained within the newly created law providing non-elected officials with the authority to create rules and regulations having full force and effect of law. This all occurs after the legislation has passed and the entire process takes place outside of legislative oversight.

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Absent Belief & The Trajectory of Ambivalence

A reoccurring theme in queries of our research and position statements is “how did you arrive at this outcome?” My standard answer is simply that it is “70 percent a function of current and historical data trend and what I think of as the ‘kinetic trajectory of biased forces’ while the remaining 30 percent relates to our considering the likelihood of the unknown anomaly occurring.”

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NATO: The Proxy Warrior

At the time of Germany’s re-unification and the collapse of the USSR President Bush had committed to Gorbachev that the U.S. would not press forward with NATO enlisting membership of former Soviet or Allegiant States; this commitment lasted up until Bill Clinton’s first term. Presently 8 of these former States are now NATO Member States with 6 more under pending membership status.  This entire fiasco is a U.S. Department of State planned and activated strategy.
The U.S. Government has elected to endorse corporate globalism vs. building and enhancing its domestic agenda. It has financed the entire process by blundering the Nation and flooding the globe with worthless currency backed by its control of global finance. The trends indicate that the EU can neither economically afford or survive its public’s opposition to confrontation as much of Europe favors strong relationships with Russia. In addition, Putin polls far more favorably than the U.S. while President Obama is viewed as “terminally incompetent.”
The best option for the American people lies in Russia (Putin) selecting several options available to bypass Washington all together. If Russia places troops within the Ukraine boarders (which is exactly what the U.S./NATO is hoping for) then Ukraine will draw Russia into an Afghanistan-like civil war and Russia will implode and acts of desperation will ensue. If the EU draws back and refuses to engage under the guise of NATO then NATO as well as the EU collapse and what’s left of the U.S. economy goes right along with it. Then, there’s China…which is to say, the U.S. concept of corporate governance has the horizon painted in colors of pure agony.
Curtis C. Greco, Founder
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