Tag Archives: Middle East

John Kerry; Extending the Hand of Conflict

The Middle-East battle ground is cluttered with decades of cross-purpose manipulations, littered with the arrogance of projected influences each manufacturing “isms” to either justify a position or defame the oppositions. All the while feeding the feud with an arsenal of deadly weaponry. The ratcheting of tensions continues matched only by the increasing distance from the fundamental issue at hand; why is order seemingly unachievable?
Enter the Clinton-Kerry extension of community organizer etiquette where success is measured in degrees of conflict and the various permutations of polarity. You might say we’ve unleashed our own ignorant lust for appearing fashionable and in the process, having surrendered the salvation of wisdom to the processes of degradation, we’ve expressed a most dreadful effect; we’ve expanded the role of desperation. Where humans are concerned it is a fact that the element of selectable-ignorance is unavoidable however it still remains a selectable process.
Obama, like the Bush & Clinton clans, are simply not long-term thinkers with an eye on restorative-balance. They’re merely driven by the bias of selectable-ignorance; the kind that is opportunistic, short-term in scope and always fashionable.  The consequence of this self-indulgent romance is that conflict becomes, strangely enough, a necessary component of the process so that these folks can retain a positon of appearing relevant and fashionably so. The entire process is of course moronic but then, if we consider that the process has evolved to mirror our own expectations, how then, really, should we’ve expected a different outcome?
Yes I do confess complete faith this will all work out, just not yet; the boundaries of tolerance have yet to be determined. In the algorithm of human history a peculiar oddity appears recurrent; thinking is too often thought to be wisdom and impulse is confused with rational thought and pain is the consequence of an action promulgated by someone else. We’re so very clever.
Curtis C. Greco, Founder
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Iraq – Wherever the Road Leads

The age old battle of global conquest is itself a contest over predictable outcome; you go were the road leads, you travel the terrain it brings you, feeding on the spoils as you go. The Middle-East contest has never been over the religious beliefs of nomadic tribes. It’s always been over the dominance of external forces whether it be the regional powers imposition of religious imperialism (Shia vs. Sunni) or the nomadic horde of Western and Eastern forces rendering unto themselves the fruits of global conquest under whatever banner, at any given time, that suits the prescribed purpose.
Although, on a decidedly local/regional level, it’s fair to say that the rise of ISIS (as with any of its predecessors) is a perpetual inevitability. As the various interests look to camouflage their respective intent however the current environment is far different, the terrain has changed. It is no longer possible to confine the fallout to the deserts or rocky outcroppings of ancient Palestine, Persia or North Africa; now, with the Middle-East an Arms Merchants showcase of destructive capacity, the fallout is unavoidable and will, with equal fervor, find its maker.
When you believe there’s nothing to lose you have no fear of loss; where there is nothing to gain there is nothing to defend. Extremism takes hold where predators, who believe they’ve nothing to lose, enforce mass-submission of those who are defenseless. Peace and prosperity only appears to follow the victor home; in time the allure of conquests seemingly easy pickings replaces the regiment of restraint and a new just-cause is crafted followed by a new call-to-arms fills the arenas; how foolish. So long as this process is the practice, humans will know no peace and predation will be the road most traveled; in both directions.
The following are a select group of responses to questions/comments received after the original article was published. We believe you will find them of interest.
#1: For the American people, who don’t understand the massive displacement of humans, the unimaginable price of this entire middle-east affair is so difficult to wrap into our 10-15 second attention spans. The immense stores of military hardware (left in Iraq by the U.S.) coupled with the funneling of arms and patronage by Russia/China (thru Iran) and the Arab League (led by Saudi Arabia) has set lose a kinetic force that is so wildly unpredictable as to render the entire matrix of cause and effect to a nearly unintelligible level.
Can the U.S. sit this out? Can we? I believe we should and I believe we can however only if the U.S. takes a position that is decidedly nationalist in perspective (if there’s an interest I’m happy to explain the complexion of the “nationalist” comment). Will the U.S. consider an “about face”? Probably not; the public, in part, is too easily teased into submission and the economics of conflict are still just so universally influential and a great many politicians, from around the globe, are deeply vested in conflict.
Pay close attention to the rhetoric; the Hawks always talk in terms of a symmetrical threat (security or economic) with the only response alternative being to engage; meanwhile all the Doves offer is a discussion on the hawkish behavior of the Hawks! No one appears willing to break ranks with the regime mentality that’s driving the flotilla of stupid; no one dares speak out; “Whoa Sparky, let’s back-off the gaseous-billowing and explore a different set of routines; we may be drinking a bit too much KoolAid!” 
Curtis C. Greco, Founder
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ISIS – To Error is Human, To Destroy Takes a Desperate Narcissist!

My how the Plutocrats love to create labels. It’s an awfully efficient way to create an enemy and redirect the public toward the rigors of an impulse driven response; just put a label on it and you’re done! ISIS, huh? The Islamic State of Iraq & Syria which nicely fits right in with the generic and disenfranchises Islamists, Al Qaeda, the Haqqani, the Taliban, Hamas, Abu Nidal and so on and each convenient covers for the main story that no one wants to cover and fewer care to track.

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A Coalition with Iran

On one side you have a Totalitarian Islamist Regime bent on, at any cost, establishing its preeminence in the Middle-East and on the other a political mutation with barely a first-grade education in history and standing on the back of a military machine and economic matrix smothered and shredded in cross-purposes. The U.S. appears to be taking its theme form the Nixon-Kissinger China diaries believing that their strategy “turned” Deng Xiaoping; nothing could be further from the truth as the fact remains that Kissinger openly admitted that both he and Nixon were puzzled and frustrated by internal Chinese politics.

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ON AIR with Host Mike Miller of WIMA 1150

ON AIR – The Foundations Weekly OnPoint Series continues with Host Mike Miller of 1150 WIMA in Lima, Ohio and Policy Analyst, Curtis Greco, featuring: “A Foaming Cauldron of Chaos – Middle-East Update.” This vignette appears throughout the week during Michael’s 6-9 a.m. (ET) Show. Ohio’s In-Tune & In-Touch Host, catch him Live in-market or online at www.1150wima.com

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