Tag Archives: Rand Paul

Ted Cruz Risk Shows GOP Fracture & Why Any Dem Can Win

The ascendancy of one party over another is not so much a function of strength as it is a display of the loosing party’s weakness. Case in point: Obama won, both terms, simply because the GOP (first McCain and then Romney) Candidates were so contemptibly weak and where the GOP is concerned, this has become an endemic weakness. Cruz, and soon-to-come Rand Paul, has no choice but to advance the 2016 calendar, that is, if they want to stand apart from the GOP statists and if he wants the needed strength of an overwhelming groundswell (body count) to counter the blood-money flowing to the most-favored-statist, Jeb Bush.

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ISIS: Shaping Public Ire

It is well known that President Obama isn’t a hawk and though some may claim he boarders on cowardice it’s doubtful that this notion ever enters his thought process. I agree with the stance of Rand Paul to the extent that the question of U.S. involvement in the Middle-East is one of “American Interest”, particularly in terms of economic or energy reasons and that our focus should be on issues here at home. Paul fails the facts likely due to the fact that he fears describing the driving forces as the political apparatus will feed upon him and destroy his presidential ambitions.

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